Sunday, August 31, 2008


As of yesterday, the associated press was announcing this....

(08-30) 19:37 PDT San Francisco, CA (AP) --

California-based Coast Guard units are being deployed to the Gulf Coast as the region braces for Hurricane Gustav.

An estimated 1 million people have fled the region as forecasters predicted that Gustav could grow to Category 5 and make landfall Monday afternoon somewhere between East Texas and western Mississippi.

The Coast Guard plans to send units from San Francisco, including an HH-65 helicopter, to Houston on Sunday. Also traveling to the region from the San Francisco Bay area are teams trained in disaster assistance, damage assessment and reconstruction.

Units from Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento and Humboldt are on standby.

Are any of our guys on standby? -
I know many of the members at our station would be more than willing to go.