Saturday, November 8, 2008


The Bonnie Hunt Show is putting together a very special Veterans Day show and would love to have military wives be part of the show. If anyone is interested in taking part in this, the show will tape Monday, November 10th from 4-5 PM at Culver Studios in Culver City.

Please contact Jennifer at or
call 310-845-2503

to be added to the guest list.


I am sure all of the wives, girlfriends, and family members out there will love being able to take a glance at this most recent photo taken of the guys at the station.

Thanks to Larry Owens for sending over a copy. I have it above as a permanent fixture, but here's the color version as well.

Here's a little shout out to find whomever might be able to get me the full size image to post for people to look at.